Friday, January 29, 2010

Disabled Cube Field There's Nearly 20 TRILLION $US Offshore To Avoid Taxation: Obama's Taxes Will Make This Worse, So This $ Will?

There's nearly 20 TRILLION $US offshore to avoid taxation: Obama's taxes will make this worse, so this $ will? - disabled cube field

never travel in the U.S. economy. Search Google for the foreign accounts are very strong that people were worried (much).

Even George Soros keeps his billions in Curacao.

Are you ready for an economy increasingly fill the tank until we ghetthoized cube-shaped plan with tax-BS Obama?

Ask yourself if you were rich would pay 65% of your tax money is lost, disappointed, skim milk, and welfare fund for the elderly or disabled?
No, it has also abroad.


gosam777 said...

And many jobs go with it. To my knowledge they do not employ many people. Government can only create jobs in the government. Not create the work of the government's real wealth. Here we go again, 1976. 12% inflation, unemployment 12%

Companies do not pay taxes. What the Liberals have to understand is the cost of the taxes back on everything you buy +

Anonymous said...

This is not new, but the rich are getting Cheep tryed to use funds from the U.S. government, one more pay their fair share of taxes for hundreds of years. John McCain is a co-conspirator in the failed presidency of George Bush that he has betrayed the trust of the American people.

Obama / Biden 2008

Anonymous said...

This is not new, but the rich are getting Cheep tryed to use funds from the U.S. government, one more pay their fair share of taxes for hundreds of years. John McCain is a co-conspirator in the failed presidency of George Bush that he has betrayed the trust of the American people.

Obama / Biden 2008

Richard_... said...

This commitment to Obama.

Thank you for lifting.

Obama has already diverted money measures in the tax law to avoid taxes. The Democrats have on this for over 2 years that I knew worked.

So America is more prosperous - companies, because to avoid these taxes to do business in the U.S. - and benefits to U.S. institutions.

Quirk said...

But ... but ... I thought that a good Republican and businesses pay taxes? Everything I heard from the Republicans is how they are taxed.

Do you think that you do not pay taxes now?

And they lie all the time? Nooooooo! No way!

12-25 Never Forget said...


The dollar fell in the toilet most of the other disadvantages currenices ....

I think that seeking this (unless you live in Japan, perhaps)!

True Patriots! said...

That's where my money goes!

It has eliminated jobs and / or increase the prices of goods sold. Regan's how it works properly with the "trickle-down effect. My cost increases, so will you!

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